Adult Faith Formation

Ways to deepen in your knowledge of our good, true, and beautiful Catholic faith

Statue of St. PatrickTeaching the faith goes to the essence of a parish named for the saint who evangelized Ireland and served by the Dominican friars. Here are some ways you can continue to learn more about the riches of our Catholic faith.

Into the Deep Adult Faith Formation Series. From time to time, we offer a series of presentations geared toward adults on various Catholic topics.


Our Parish Library has a great collection of books and videos to be explored and checked out. It is open for circulation on Sundays from 10am to 12 noon.

Check out some great online resources:  The best Catholic content—all in one place.

Dominicana  An online and print journal produced by our Dominican Student Brothers in Washington, DC.

Aquinas 101  A series of short, engaging videos by our Dominican Thomistic Institute. Season One is an illustrated introduction to the Summa Theologiae of St. Thomas Aquinas. Season Two illustrates the harmony of Science and Faith in the Catholic tradition.